[Salon] Blinken in Kiev: ‘I’m Satan to Them”

Blinken in Kiev: ‘I’m Satan to Them”


By Martin Sieff  https://newkontinent.org/blinken-in-kiev-im-satan-to-them/

Two thousand years ago, the reviled Roman Emperor Nero fiddled while Rome burned.

Now Anthony Blinken has done him one better.

While Kharkhiv, second city of Ukraine, burns and literally disintegrates under Russian artillery fire and scores of thousands of people flee, that is his reaction.

We really do not know if Nero was a great musician. We can see for ourselves the Secretary of State of the United States of America is a ludicrous one.

As that shrewd, vastly experienced old reporter Andrew Cockburn pointed out, Blinken cannot even sing properly. He was flat throughout.

The song that he sang, supposedly with so much passion, was “Keep on Rockin in the Free World,” written by Crazy Horse and Neal Young back in 1989. And I am indebted to the great theoretical physicist and philosopher of science. Professor Jean Bricmont of the Catholic University of Louvain in Belgium for drawing my attention to its prophetic lyrics that the woeful Blinken was obviously totally oblivious too.

This is what the Secretary of State of the United States sang to the suffering people of Ukraine whom he has deliberately propelled into needless destruction by weaponizing them as the US and NATO spearhead to try and destroy the nation of Russia and bleed the Russian people white – a disgusting, insane and frightful goal that all too many United States Senators to their Eternal Judgment and Shame openly boast about from Richard Blumenthal to Lindsay Graham.

In fact, far from “celebrating” the Free World as the demented Blinken imagines it to be, the song was written in 1989 by Neil Young as a courageous and outspoken condemnation of the confrontational policies of then-US President George Herbert Walker Bush towards Russia and Iran.

The song begins:

“There’s colors on the street

“Red, white and blue

“People shufflin’ their feet

“People sleepin’ in their shoes

“But there’s a warnin’ sign on the road ahead

“There’s a lot of people sayin’ we’d be better off dead

“Don’t feel like Satan, but I am to them

“So I try to forget it anyway I can.”

It is extraordinary that the Secretary of State of the United States of America could openly sing, with no regard whatsoever to the literal meaning of his words:

“Don’t feel like Satan but I am to them.”

That alone is a thought worth pondering upon for a long time – a very, very long time.

The song goes on to expose and condemn the pathologies of drug addiction, mass poverty and homelessness, already sweeping the United States and Western Europe when Neil Young wrote it 35 years ago, but all of them infinitely worse today.

 And it ridicules Bush’s much ballyhooed and totally fraudulent and meaningless “thousand points of light.”

Finally, it again advises hundreds of millions of doomed dupes to: 

“Keep on rockin in the free world.”

And now the Secretary of State of the United States of America has repeated that same advice to the Ukrainian people who have been usurped, lied to, rounded up as doomed cannon fodder and sent to their own mass slaughter in a war that Russia for eight years openly, consistently and repeatedly sought to avoid with a peaceful resolution and implementation of the Minsk Accords signed in August 2014 and February 2015. 

The video of course is of extraordinary and unique importance for another reason.

For once, in public, the Secretary of State of the United States of America actually told the Literal Truth.

Even though, of course, he was too stupid to realize it.

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